Robert ASKE Esq.
Thomas JONES Esq.
Priscilla ASKE
(Abt 1570-1649)


Family Links

Rev. Richard LIGHTFOOT


  • Born: Abt 1570, ENGLAND
  • Marriage: Rev. Richard LIGHTFOOT about 1595 in ENGLAND
  • Died: 1649, Stoke Brueron, Northhampton, ENGLAND about age 79

  Noted events in her life were:

• Will, 1649, Northampton, ENGLAND. In the Name of God Amen I Jane Lightfoote of Stoake Bruen in the County of Northon Gentlewoman being weake in body yet in pfect minde & memory (thankes be to God) doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following ffirst I bequeath my sole into the hands of Almightie God my Creator & of Jesus Christ, my only Savior and Redeember & of the holy ghost my Sanctifier & pserver And m body I will be decently brouht to the ground & buried in the Chacell of the sayd Stoake Bruen in sure & certaine hope of resurrection to eternall life As for my worldly good and chattels first I give to my sonne Richard Lightfoot one little cottage pott with one little brasse pan half my pewter int he pewter chest and the feather bed at Stoake Bruen to be delivded within one month after my
decease being lawfully demanded Item I give to my grandchild John Lightfoot the sonne of John Lightfoot the bigger silver bole to be delivded as before Item I give to my sonne- law Robert Kingstone my other -- silver bole & my little silver spoone to be delivded as before Item I give to my grandchild Sarah Kingstone one little feather bed with bedstead & all other furniture belonging to it to be delivded as before Item I give to Mr Meacham of the said Stoake Bruen one gold ring & one silver thimble to be delivded as before The rest of my goods & chattels unbequeathed I give to my well beloved daughter Jane of Hanslop in the County of Buckon the now wife of William Asbie whom I make the true and full executrix of this my last Will & Testament in writing Robert Wickens Gentln & Richard Plowman yeoman of the said pish of Stoake Bruen my loving neighbors to be the overseers of this my last Will & Testament And in witness hereof I have to these pents sett to my hand & seale this twentieth day of December in the year of or Lord God (by computar of or Church of England) oen thousand six hundred fortie nine.

the marke of
Jane | | Lightfoot
Sealed & acknowledged in
the psence of
Joseph Dayes
the mark of
Elizabeth X. Dunkley


Jane married Rev. Richard LIGHTFOOT, son of John LIGHTFOOT and Unknown, about 1595 in ENGLAND. (Rev. Richard LIGHTFOOT was born in 1562 in Northhampton, ENGLAND and died on 28 Nov 1625 in Stoke Brueron, Northhampton, ENGLAND.)

Disclaimer: This family tree is a work in progress. Unless a source is specified, the information has not been verified.

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